This page includes references to XML related topics like Document Type Definition (DTD), Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL), XSL Transformations (XSLT) and XSL Formatting Objects (XSL/FO).
- Open XML -- Open source XML components and utility libraries by Dieter Köhler
- W3 Schools: Learn DTD
- W3 Schools: Learn XML
- W3 Schools: Learn XSL
- W3 Schools: Learn XSL-FO
- W3 Schools: Learn XSLT
- W3 Schools Examples: XML
- W3 Schools References: XML DOM
- W3 Schools References: XSL-FO
- W3 Schools References: XSLT 1.0
XML and Delphi[]
- Creating, Parsing and Manipulating XML Documents with Delphi by Zarko Gajic
- Data Exchange using XML and Delphi by Deepak Shenoy
- Delphi Developer's Guide to XML, 2nd Edition Written by Keith Wood 2003
- Using XML And XSLT In Delphi by Craig Murphy 2001
- Using XML and XSLT with Delphi 5 and WebBroker by Vincent Parrett 2001