Delphi Programming
# Items inside <this> are implementation dependent
Goal -> (Program | Package | Library | Unit)
Program -> [PROGRAM Ident ['(' IdentList ')'] ';']
           ProgramBlock '.'
Unit -> UNIT QualIdent [PortabilityDirective] ';'
        InitSection '.'
Package -> PACKAGE Ident ';'
           END '.'
Library -> LIBRARY Ident ';'
           ProgramBlock '.'
ProgramBlock -> [UsesClause]
UsesClause -> USES QualIdentList ';'
PortabilityDirective -> PLATFORM
                     -> DEPRECATED
                     -> LIBRARY
InterfaceSection -> INTERFACE
InterfaceDecl -> ConstSection
              -> TypeSection
              -> VarSection
              -> ExportedHeading
ExportedHeading -> ProcedureHeading ';' [Directive]

                -> FunctionHeading ';' [Directive]
ImplementationSection -> IMPLEMENTATION
Block -> [DeclSection]
ExportsStmt -> EXPORTS ExportsItem [, ExportsItem]...
ExportsItem -> Ident [NAME|INDEX "'" ConstExpr "'"]
                     [INDEX|NAME "'" ConstExpr "'"]

DeclSection -> LabelDeclSection
            -> ConstSection
            -> TypeSection
            -> VarSection
            -> ProcedureDeclSection
LabelDeclSection -> LABEL LabelId
ConstSection -> CONST (ConstantDecl ';' ... )
ConstantDecl -> Ident '=' ConstExpr [PortabilityDirective]
             -> Ident ':' TypeId '=' TypedConstant [PortabilityDirective]
TypeSection -> TYPE (TypeDecl ';' ...) 
TypeDecl -> Ident '=' [TYPE] Type [PortabilityDirective]

         -> Ident '=' [TYPE] RestrictedType [PortabilityDirective]
TypedConstant -> (ConstExpr | ArrayConstant | RecordConstant)
ArrayConstant -> '(' TypedConstant [ ',' TypedConstant ...] ')'
RecordConstant -> '(' RecordFieldConstant ';'... ')'
RecordFieldConstant -> Ident ':' TypedConstant
Type -> TypeId
     -> SimpleType
     -> StrucType
     -> PointerType
     -> StringType 
     -> ProcedureType
     -> VariantType
     -> ClassRefType

RestrictedType -> ObjectType
               -> ClassType
               -> InterfaceType
ClassRefType -> CLASS OF TypeId
SimpleType -> (OrdinalType | RealType)
RealType -> REAL48
         -> REAL
         -> SINGLE
         -> DOUBLE
         -> EXTENDED
         -> CURRENCY
         -> COMP
OrdinalType -> (SubrangeType | EnumeratedType | OrdIdent)
OrdIdent -> SHORTINT
         -> SMALLINT
         -> INTEGER
         -> BYTE
         -> CARDINAL
         -> LONGINT
         -> INT64
         -> WORD
         -> BOOLEAN
         -> CHAR
         -> WIDECHAR
         -> LONGWORD
         -> PCHAR
VariantType -> VARIANT
            -> OLEVARIANT
SubrangeType -> ConstExpr '..' ConstExpr
EnumeratedType -> '(' EnumeratedTypeElement ','... ')'
EnumeratedTypeElement -> Ident [ '=' ConstExpr ]
StringType -> STRING
           -> ANSISTRING
           -> WIDESTRING
           -> UNICODESTRING-
           -> STRING '['  ConstExpr ']' 
StrucType -> [PACKED] (ArrayType | SetType | FileType | RecType [PACKED])
ArrayType -> ARRAY ['[' OrdinalType [ ',' OrdinalType...] ']'] OF Type [PortabilityDirective]
RecType -> RECORD [FieldList] END [PortabilityDirective] 
FieldList -> FieldDecl ';'... [VariantSection] [';']
FieldDecl -> IdentList ':' Type [PortabilityDirective]
VariantSection -> CASE [Ident ':'] TypeId OF (RecVariant [(';' RecVariant ...)]
RecVariant -> ConstExpr ','... ':' '(' [FieldList] ')'
SetType -> SET OF OrdinalType [PortabilityDirective]
FileType -> FILE OF TypeId [PortabilityDirective]
PointerType -> '^' TypeId [PortabilityDirective]
ProcedureType -> (ProcedureHeading | FunctionHeading) [OF OBJECT]
VarSection -> VAR (VarDecl ';' ...)
VarDecl  On Windows -> IdentList ':' Type [(ABSOLUTE (Ident | ConstExpr)) | '=' ConstExpr] [PortabilityDirective]
         On Linux   -> IdentList ':' Type [ABSOLUTE (Ident) | '=' ConstExpr] [PortabilityDirective]
Expression -> (SimpleGrouped [RelOp SimpleGrouped ...]
SimpleGrouped -> SimpleExpression |'(' SimpleExpression ')'
SimpleExpression -> ['+' | '-'] Term [AddOp Term]...
Term -> Factor [MulOp Factor]...
Factor -> Designator ['(' ExprList ')']
       -> '@' Designator
       -> Number
       -> String 
       -> OneChar
       -> NIL
       -> '(' Expression ')'
       -> NOT Factor
       -> SetConstructor
       -> TypeId '(' Expression ')'
RelOp -> '>'
      -> '<'
      -> '<='
      -> '>='
      -> '<>'

      -> IN
      -> IS
      -> AS
AddOp -> '+'
      -> '-'
      -> OR
      -> XOR
MulOp -> '*'
      -> '/'
      -> DIV
      -> MOD
      -> AND
      -> SHL
      -> SHR
AdditiveOp -> + | - | * 
Designator -> QualId ['.' Ident | '[' ExprList ']' | '^']...
SetConstructor -> '[' [SetElement [',' SetElement  ...] ']'
SetElement -> Expression ['..' Expression]
ExprList -> Expression [',' Expression ...]
Statement -> [LabelId ':'] [SimpleStatement | StructStmt]
StmtList -> Statement [';' Statement ...]
SimpleStatement -> ProcedureCall           
                -> AssignmentStmt 
                -> INHERITED
                -> GOTO LabelId
StructStmt -> CompoundStmt
           -> ConditionalStmt
           -> LoopStmt
           -> WithStmt
           -> TryExceptStmt
           -> TryFinallyStmt
           -> RaiseStmt
           -> AssemblerStmt
CompoundStmt -> BEGIN StmtList [;] END
ConditionalStmt -> IfStmt
                -> CaseStmt
ProcedureCall -> QualId ['(' [ExprList] ')']
AssignmentStmt -> Designator ':=' Expression
IfStmt -> IF Expression THEN Statement [ELSE Statement]
CaseStmt -> CASE Expression OF (CaseSelector [';' CaseSelector ...]) [ELSE StmtList] [';'] END
CaseSelector -> CaseLabel ','... ':' Statement
CaseLabel -> ConstExpr ['..' ConstExpr]
LoopStmt -> RepeatStmt
         -> WhileStmt
         -> ForStmt
RepeatStmt -> REPEAT StmtList [';'] UNTIL Expression
WhileStmt -> WHILE Expression DO Statement
ForStmt -> FOR QualId ':=' Expression (TO | DOWNTO) Expression DO Statement

WithStmt -> WITH QualIdentList DO Statement
TryExceptStmt -> TRY
                   Statement [';' Statement ...]
ExceptionBlock -> [[ON [Ident ':'] TypeID DO Statement] [(';' ON [Ident ':'] TypeID DO Statement) ...]
                  [ELSE Statement...] [';']
TryFinallyStmt -> TRY
                   Statement [';']
RaiseStmt -> RAISE [object] [AT address]

AssemblerStatement -> ASM
                   -> <assemblylanguage>
                   -> END
ProcedureDeclSection -> ProcedureDecl
                     -> FunctionDecl
ProcedureDecl -> ProcedureHeading ';' [Directive] [PortabilityDirective]
                 Block ';'
FunctionDecl -> FunctionHeading ';' [Directive] [PortabilityDirective]
                Block ';'
FunctionHeading -> FUNCTION Ident [FormalParameters] ':' (SimpleType | STRING)

ProcedureHeading -> PROCEDURE Ident [FormalParameters]
FormalParameters -> '(' [FormalParm ';'...] ')'
FormalParm -> [VAR | CONST | OUT] Parameter
Parameter -> IdentList [':' ([ARRAY OF] SimpleType | STRING | FILE)]
          -> Ident ':' SimpleType '=' ConstExpr
Directive -> CDECL
          -> REGISTER
          -> DYNAMIC
          -> VIRTUAL
          -> EXPORT
          -> ExternalDirective
          -> NEAR
          -> FAR
          -> FORWARD
          -> INLINE
          -> ASSEMBLER
          -> MESSAGE ConstExpr
          -> OVERRIDE
          -> OVERLOAD
          -> PASCAL
          -> REINTRODUCE
          -> SAFECALL
          -> STDCALL
          -> VARARGS
          -> LOCAL
          -> ABSTRACT
ExternalDirective -> EXTERNAL [ String [ NAME Ident*]] 
ObjectType -> OBJECT [ObjHeritage] [ObjFieldList] [MethodList] END
ObjHeritage -> '(' QualId ')'
MethodList -> (MethodHeading [';' VIRTUAL [';' ABSTRACT]]) ';'...
MethodHeading -> [CLASS] (ProcedureHeading |FunctionHeading)
              -> ConstructorHeading
              -> DestructorHeading
ConstructorHeading -> CONSTRUCTOR Ident [FormalParameters]
DestructorHeading -> DESTRUCTOR Ident [FormalParameters]
ObjFieldList -> (IdentList ':' Type) ';' 
            -> BEGIN StmtList END
            -> END
ClassType -> CLASS [ClassHeritage]

ClassHeritage -> '(' IdentList ')'
ClassFieldList -> (ClassVisibility ObjFieldList) ';'...
ClassMethodList -> (ClassVisibility MethodList) ';'...
ClassPropertyList -> (ClassVisibility PropertyList ';')...
PropertyList -> PROPERTY Ident [PropertyInterface] [PropertySpecifiers]    [PortabilityDirective]

PropertyInterface -> [PropertyParameterList] ':' Ident
PropertyParameterList -> '[' (IdentList ':' TypeId) ';'... ']'
PropertySpecifiers -> [INDEX ConstExpr]
                      [READ Ident]
                      [WRITE Ident]
                      [STORED (Ident | Constant)]
                      [(DEFAULT ConstExpr) | NODEFAULT]
                      [IMPLEMENTS TypeId]
InterfaceType -> INTERFACE [InterfaceHeritage]

                 [ClassPropertyList]                 ...
InterfaceHeritage -> '(' Ident ')'
RequiresClause -> REQUIRES IdentList... ';'
ContainsClause -> CONTAINS IdentList... ';'
IdentList -> Ident [',' ident ] ...
QualId -> [UnitId '.'] ['.' Ident ['^'] ...] 
TypeId -> [UnitId '.'] <type-identifier>
Ident* -> <Case-Sensitive> Ident
Ident -> IdentStart [  AlphaNum ... ]
IdentStart -> {AlphaUC | AlphaLC | Underscore)
AlphaNum -> {IdentStart | Digit)
AlphaUC -> ( 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' | 'G' | 'H' | 'I' | 
            'J' | 'K' | 'L' | 'M' | 'N' | 'O' | 'P' | 'Q' | 'R' |  
            'S' | 'T' | 'U' | 'V' | 'W' | 'X' | 'Y' | 'Z')
AlphaLC ->  ('a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f' | 'g' | 'h' | 'i' |  
            'j' | 'k' | 'l' | 'm' | 'n' | 'o' | 'p' | 'q' | 'r' | 
            's' | 't' | 'u' | 'v' | 'w' | 'x' | 'y' |'z')
Underscore -> '_' 
OneChar -> (Char |'''' (<character (except quote)> | Quote) ''''
Char -> '^'(AlphaUC|AlphaLC)|'#'(Integer|RadixNumber)
Digit -> ('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9')               
ConstExpr -> (number | string | Char | Integer AdditiveOp Integer)
UnitId -> ident | ident'.'ident 
LabelId -> Ident | Integer
String -> (Char ...  ['''' [(<character (except quote)> | Quote) ...] '''' ) ... | 
          ([Char ...] ''''[(<character (except quote)> | Quote) ...] '''' [Char ...] ) | 
          (''''[(<character (except quote)> | Quote) ...] '''' Char )...] )
Number -> SignedInteger ['.' Integer ['E' SignedInteger] ] | RadixNumber
RadixNumber -> $HexNumber | &OctalNumber 
HexNumber -> ( Digit | 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' |'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f') ...
OctalNumber -> ('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7') ...
Integer -> digit ... | RadixNumber
SignedInteger -> ['+'|'-] Integer
Quote -> ''''''